The Fruits of Afflictions

One of the common, "big" philosophical questions that can be worded many ways is that of:
"If God is loving, then why does He allow suffering?"

Some people use this as a trump card, a topic in which they believe there is no answer found in the Bible, therefore the Bible cannot be true. However, the truth is that Scriptures address affliction and suffering to a great extent. In this study, David Ross explores some of the many reasons and results of affliction.

The study was written to be broad, in that both Christians and non-Christians can get something out of the study. We hope it is useful in both personal independent studies and group studies. We have found that discussion naturally results after each major point.

The study is original content donated to be posted on the site by David Ross, who can be contacted through our email.

The Fruits of Afflictions: A look at the Bible's explanation for trials and suffering